Portraits of Peshmerga women

Daughters of the Sun

The word peshmerga means: ‘they who stare death in the face’. That meaning – combined with the images I saw of the Kurdish fighting with ISIS, its depressing black banner so in contrast with the vibrant Kurdish flag – made me want to meet these fighters. I went to Iraqi Kurdistan twice. The first time I stayed with the Dutch marines that train the Kurdish troops. The second time around I asked filmmaker Roy Dames to accompany me. I was guided by Chnar Hessin, peshmerga and mother of 16-year old Vicky. She was my guardian angel during our trips through Kurdistan. I was her guest in Erbil and slept on her couch for two weeks. I felt a great solidarity with her and the other female peshmerga. They felt like sisters to me.   
Because these women are first and foremost, like me, mothers, grandmothers, sisters and daughters. Powerful, resilient, protective. Full of the joy of life, while bravely staring death in the face.

Next generation: Suria selling rhubarb in the mountains
Next generation: Suria selling rhubarb in the mountains
Peshmerga Sirme
Peshmerga Sirme
Peshmerga Kaven
Peshmerga Kaven
Peshmerga Kurdistan
Peshmerga Kurdistan
Peshmerga Gulshan
Peshmerga Gulshan
Peshmerga Bafren
Peshmerga Bafren
Peshmerga Chnar
Peshmerga Chnar
Next generation: Peshmerga Chnar with her daughter Vicky
Next generation: Peshmerga Chnar with her daughter Vicky
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